ISIN and CUSIP Bulk Orders
If your company or fund is in need of ordering ISIN numbers or CUSIP numbers in bulk – such as 5 ISINS, 10 ISINs, 25 ISINs, or even 100 ISINs and CUSIP at one time, We can can help.
It is common for funds and banks to issue varying securities at one time, each with their own identify ISIN and CUSIP code. We has undertaken bulk orders for a vast array of companies and funds, both in the US and overseas. We can ensure that your bulk orders are taken care of in a timely and cost effective method.
Apply for Bulk Order Assistance
How Long is the Bulk Order Process?
The bulk order ISIN and CUSIP process can vary from security to security, and depending on whether a company or fund already has the needed documentation. If the documentation is already complete obtain an ISIN and CUSIP can take anywhere from one hour to one day or more. Many factors come in play but here are some scenarios.
A company or fund wants to obtain 10 ISIN numbers for 10 varying securities. Its Monday morning, 930am in New York. All paper work is complete. All that is needed is the ISIN numbers. When will the numbers be obtained?
Answer: Within 24-48 hours.
ISIN Bulk Order Fees
Ordering in bulk through us saves needed time and fees. Traditionally, 25-35-% off or more is given to companies that order in bulk.