can assist with registering an ISIN number (“International Securities Identification Number”) for all types of securities.
What is an ISIN
ISIN, or International Securities Identification Number, is a 12 digit code that’s sole purpose is to uniquely identify a security, such as a stock or a bond. The ISIN numbering system has been around for more than 40 years and is currently becoming the main traditional avenue for securities identification worldwide with over 100 countries adopting ISIN codes. An ISIN code is unique from other types of identifiers, such as ticker symbols, whose main identification marks are not universal. For instance, a ticker symbol in the US may not be the same as in Japan, though the company is the same. However, the ISIN number code transcends such cross border ‘errors’, and indeed all one must have in his/her possession is the ISIN code to bring up a securities’ information.
Who Registers and Obtains ISIN Number?
ISIN numbers are obtained by a vast awry of companies and funds, as well as various securities worldwide. For instance, stocks, bonds, warrants, syndicated loans, derivatives, equity options, treasuries, medium term notes (MTNs), commercial paper, trusts of all kinds, rights, futures, options, ETFs and many more obtain ISIN numbers.
Essentially, the most popular method of obtaining an ISIN number is for equity or debt offerings. Thus, if a company is issuing stocks, whether private or public, they often will seek to obtain an ISIN number. This is particularly true for debt offerings. A company conducting a bond offering or note offering will most likely seek an ISIN number, especially if these offerings fall under Rule 144A (144A Offering) or Regulation S (Reg S) or is a Global Note. Both types of offerings are common when applying for an ISIN code and CUSIP number.
Why Register an ISIN Number
Over the past 40 years ISIN numbers have been gaining popularity and traction worldwide as the preeminent method to identify securities across borders. The International Securities Identification Code (ISIN) is exactly what it stands for: it’s an identification number for securities in the form of a code. When trading, buying or selling securities worldwide, an ISIN number, as well as a CUSIP number, can play an active and needed role in easing the discrepancies between ticket symbols or foreign exchanges or trading platforms when trying to identify a security correctly. and ISIN Numbers can assist with your ISIN number needs. Obtaining or getting an ISIN number is no easy task. Our team can ensure that your documentation is properly structured so you can obtain an ISIN. is the leading global consulting firm specializing in structuring a company’s offering documents, and obtaining the proper ISIN or CUSIP securities identification codes.