ISIN ISIN ISIN! Many are seeking ISIN numbers and ISIN codes for their securities. Below we attempt to answer some of the popular phrases used for ISINs. can help obtain an ISIN, ISIN number, ISIN code, ISINs, or international securities identification number. Why so many names for isin?
ISIN is short for “international securities identification number” (ISIN). The acronym “ISIN” often has many meanings, most of which surround the international securities identification number concept.
Definition ISIN: What is the short definition of ISIN
An ISIN is a 12 digit code, alphanumeric, that uniquely identifies a security.
What are the other names for ISIN
ISIN is often referred to as an “ISIN Number”. Although an international securities identification number or isin contains numbers, its more than that as an ISIN does contain letters. An ISIN is often commonly referred to as an ISIN Number worldwide.
ISIN is also referred to as “ISIN Code”. Even though an isin code is in fact a code of some sorts, it’s almost more than that as well. An ISIN is commonly referred to as an isin code globally.
International Securities Identification Number
An international securities identification number is often referred to simply as ISIN. Many refer to an “ISIN” as “international securities identification number” and not in the shortened version (such as referring to an ISIN, ISIN number, ISIN code, etc.).
How long have ISIN Number Codes been used
For nearly forty years ISINs have been used and as of late, within the last decade, have quickly become a near industry standard for securities number identification purposes. Over the next decade we can expect that nearly all companies seeking a securities identifier will solely be using ISIN numbers and their codes. It is estimated that some 70% of all number identifiers today have or use ISIN codes for stocks, bonds, and other securities instruments. By 2025 we estimate that 90% or more of the world’s book entry or public companies utilized international securities identification numbers, ISINs, for their securities. is the world leading consulting firm dedicated to the spread of ISIN codes. ISIN numbers help with cross border trading, settlement and clearing. assist companies worldwide obtain an ISIN, or simply to point a company in the right direction for their ISIN.
ISIN Directory and ISIN Database is set to launch the largest free database of ISIN numbers in the world. Check with us periodically for updates.