Euroclear has an ISIN search function at their site. Here at ISIN we have assisted tens of thousands of companies with international securities identification numbers, CUSIPs, database assistance and more. If your company is issuing debt or equity
securities and requires a CUSIP or an ISIN code or other identifiers you may contact us anytime for application assistance.
If you are ready to apply for a CUSIP, ISIN or other code and need the application expedited just let us know. Our staff will work to ensure that your application is completed as fast as is permitted.
Unrivaled speed and customer service is what our team prides itself. Contact us today to start your process.
Euroclear offers an ISIN search function on their website. Euroclear issues an XS ISIN code.
ISIN, International Securities Identification Number (ISIN), uniquely identifies a security. Securities for which ISINs are issued include bonds, equities, commercial paper and warrants. The ISIN code, in the form of a 12 digit (alpha numerical) code that does not contain information characterizing financial instruments or the business at hand, but only serves for uniform identification of a security at trading and settlement. Securities with which ISINs can and are often used include debt securities, such as bonds, shares, options, derivatives and futures.